Ctrl + Click Functionality
Did you know that you can hold the ctrl (control) key and mouse click to reset the position of knobs and sliders in Scratch Live and ITCH? We call this ctrl + click functionality.
If you ctrl + click on knobs or sliders, this will reset them back to their default positions. For knobs this is the 12 o'clock position, and for sliders this is the center position.
In Scratch Live, you can also MIDI assign ctrl + click functionality. To do this; enter MIDI assign mode, ctrl + click on the slider or knob and assign this to a button on your MIDI controller. Pressing this button will now reset the position of the knob or slider.
Mac users can also use the command key for the same functionality.
TIP: You can ctrl + click on a track's waveform to toggle between the standard and tri-band waveform view. You may find the tri-band waveform view useful if you wish to view each frequency band independently.